By: Fiona Sweet
You had your protests don’t you see
You said that you wanted freedom
And shouted for the right to be
Watching a movie on the big screen.
You didn’t care about any virus spread
You yelled about your fundamental right
And when you refused to wear a mask you said
It’s my liberty - I am only doing what is right.
Now you condemn America’s huddled masses
Yearning to breathe free
You break people up into classes
You say “they are not the same as me.”
You tell them to go inside
The opposite of what you fought for
You feel as if they are obligated to abide
By the rules you so clearly abhor.
The color of our skin should not determine
Our likelihood of being shot
Whether or not we teach our kids
How fast we put our hands up.
The problem is in our justice system
We are not treated all the same
You and I have the privilege of white skin
We never have to take the blame.
Yes, shops are being destroyed and stolen from
Just like George Floyd’s life was stolen from him.
You still value a building over someone’s son.
You say the looting is the bigger sin?
You say All Lives Matter, but it doesn’t make sense
If one house is burning,
Do you knock down their fence
Just to say to the firefighters
“Hey all houses matter, my house needs defense!”
If you often say “I am not racist” please listen to this
And if you identify with any of the things on my list
You are racist; you use your white privilege to interrupt
When instead you should use it to lift people of color up.